COVID-19 Update

Social distancing

We will keep each class with a maximum of 8 kids per group. Each child will have their own easel, table and art materials. The seats will be 1.5 m spaced for keeping social distancing regulations. Parents are required to wait downstairs and not enter the studio. Kids will be guided downstairs by the teacher.

Sanitary requirements

Each student will have to use hand sanitiser when entering the studio and before leaving the studio. All our tools and facilities will be cleaned regularly and disinfected to protect our students and teachers health and safety.

General Terms and Conditions


Payment must be made to secure a place in the chosen class or workshop.

Payments can be made online via the website.

Cancelations, Withdrawals and Refunds

Course Withdrawals - fees are non refundable unless negotiated for an extended illness or compassionate grounds.

Make Up or Catch Up Classes - There are no refunds if you miss a class

Students who miss a class are not “entitled” to a class. However we do encourage for students who can’t make a class to let us know and if space is available in a suitable class we do offer students another class to attend that same week. This may not always be possible but we do try as a goodwill gesture.


It is the parents responsibility to escort children to and from the studio and ensure prompt pick up is arranged.

Privacy Policy and Collection Statement

To read our most recent Privacy Policy & Collection Statement please click here.


Students with a specific medical condition or allergy should notify us on enrolment.